Thursday, January 31, 2008

iron ore for sale

The following kind of iron ore is offered for sale: "...200 000 metric ton hematite iron oxide 64% FE and TIO of less than 1.5..." Find more contact details about this commodity iron ore for sale here.

more information on hematite minerals:

"....Color is steel or silver gray to black in some forms and red to brown in earthy forms. Sometimes tarnished with irredescent colors when in a hydrated form (called Turgite).
Luster is metallic or dull in earthy and oolitic forms.
Transparency: Crystals are opaque.
Crystal System is trigonal; bar 3 2/m
Crystal Habits include tabular crystals of varying thickness sometimes twinned, micaceous (specular), botryoidal and massive. also earthy or oolitic.
Cleavage is absent however there is a parting on two planes.
Fracture is uneven.
Hardness is 5 - 6
Specific Gravity is 5.3 (slightly above average for metallic minerals)
Streak is blood red to brownish red for earthy forms.
Associated Minerals include jasper (a variety of quartz) in banded iron formations (BIF or Tiger Iron), dipyramidal quartz, rutile, and pyrite among others.
Notable Occurrences especially nice specimens come from England, Mexico, Brazil, Australia and the Lake Superior region.
Best Field Indicators are crystal habit, streak and hardness..."
